I thought for sure that I’d start my new year’s eve with a bang, into a new decade like a shot of fire, tequila, and adamant resolutions. Instead, I sadly limped my coughing, sneezing, aching and I-can’t-even-rest ass into what I can only hope to be a better year: 2010.

My first resolution? to get better and stop being sick. We have a preschooler in the house this year: for those of you sans kids: living with a preschooler in the winter is like living with a petri dish that licks, grabs, and touches everything in your house. There is no escape. 

The other resolution? To blog every day for a month. Please notice the date on this entry … *sigh* Yes, it’s true. Day one and already my resolutions have slipped right past my snotty, NyQuil induced haze: I didn’t even remember that I’d actually missed the resolution until day two had arrived. Oops.

But here we go – reaching towards redefining our lives in a series of small steps. Some seem adamant to avoid them, and admittedly, I’ve done this for a few years in the past. This year, however; I thought, why not just pick two things to try and improve on? Not to get crazy, sadistically neurotic about- but setting small, attainable goals to inspire me to get off my ass. 

Let’s see how it rolls: but I’m shooting for every day this month for blogging: not for any other reason than to just do it (not another Nike ad, i swear). My other resolution? If I gave you one guess, you’d get it right (yes, something to do with my growing ass). Who knew that 20 pounds of flour and ten pounds of butter would disappear so fast in my house over christmas?

I think people get so caught up in the pressure of “have to do it” perfectly, just right, or not at all; what about a little moderation? what’s wrong with trying to diet as hard as you can, and still loving yourself after you fail two or three times out of a month? You have to keep trying, keep moving forward (from a children’s program) is actually pretty accurate. It is the persistence that will pay off eventually, the drive to keep going, to keep trying. I had to try at least 15 times before I was finally successful quitting smoking. But what if I had given up after trying 10 times, even? If you really want something, sometimes it takes failure to teach you how to get it right. Think of it like narrowing down the “right way” to do something; whittling  down from what you don’t like, to what you do.

Let’s hope that that’ll be how it works with my blogging; perhaps I’ll hit a perfect “attendance” at least once before the month is up, but since that’s pretty much blown by my day-one, snotty space-out, I’m already off to an imperfect start. The good thing about a sprinkle of failure at the start? There’s no way to go but UP, baby.